EZ-Step Stair Climbing Cane

A cane meant to help people with trouble navigating tall steps. This cane has a built in platform that can used as an intermediate step before climbing or descending to the next level. Can also help with getting in or out of tall vehicles.


Retractable Oxygen Tubing To Minimize Trips

Retractable tubing for home oxygen therapy users. Meant to decrease falls resulting from trips on tubing normally sprawled across the floor. The tube’s natural tension pulls it into a compact spiral when not need, but can be stretched up to 15 feet.


Stand Assist Patient Transport

A transfer aid used by a caregiver to relocate someone from one surface to another. Typically used by people that have difficulty with safely moving on their own or with the help of a caregiver only. This mechanical aid reduces risk of falls when used correctly.


Yunga Tart Walker Tray

A tray that can be attached to an aluminum frame walker. Great for transporting one’s meal or other activities from one room to another. Leaves the hands free to hold onto the mobility aid and reduces the risk of falls.