Hydraulic Lifting Cushon

A cushion that is placed on top of a secure chair. When a seated user wishes to stand, the device is triggered and it gently propels the user forward into a semi standing position. Great for people that have difficulty getting into standing.


Rug Gripper

Loose rugs are the number one contributor of falls. This flat rubber sheet that is placed underneath one’s carpet to minimize rug sliding and decrease fall risks.


One Handed Can Opener

A one handed can opener that clips onto the metal rim. With each squeeze of the handle, the can spins and the lid is cut open. Great for people affected by stroke or those with one handed weakness or paralysis.


Chef Remi Jar Opener Aid

A portable aid that can be wrapped around various sized jars and used to open stubborn jars. The long handle allows one with increasing ease to turn and open jars lids. Great for anyone with decreased grip strength or arthritis.


Perch Stool

A height adjustable stool with arms that is utilized by people with decreased standing endurance. Commonly used in the bathroom during brushing teeth, shaving or applying make up at the sink. Also used at kitchen counters during meal prep.


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