Easy Flow Pill Swallowing Aid

A small portable medication aid designed to help people swallow their pills. The device can be connected to most drink containers. Put your meds into the holder and drink. The meds will slide out as you drink and it may be easier to swallow.


Autosqueeze Eye Drop Bottle Squeezer

A small assistive aid that is used to hold and squeeze small eye drop bottles. This tool has a larger surface area which increases ease and control with administering eye drops. Great for people with arthritis or those with poor muscle and grip strength.


Autodrop Eye Drop Guide

A device that sits over one’s eyes while eye drops are squeezed into it. This helps with getting the liquid drops into the eye accurately. A great tool for those with visual impairments or poor hand eye coordination.


U-Step Walker Guiding Laser Light

A module that connects to a U step walker and projects a laser onto the floor indicating where one’s feet should be when ambulating. This will cue the user to walk close to the walker to decrease the risk of falls and increase stability.


U-Step2 Walking Stablizer

A mobility aid that allows one to ambulate close to the device to decrease the risk of falling. This design offers increased stability and a seat to allow the user to rest periodically as needed. Great for people that have difficulty with walking or balance.


ARK Z-Vibe Oral Stimulator for Speech and Feeding

A therapeutic tool used to provide vibratory and tactile input to one’s oral muscles. Great for people with speech, feeding and sensory integration issues. Helps bring focus and attention back to oral muscles as they are trained and conditioned.


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