Motion Activated Night Light

A light that is motion activated for the purposes of improving visual conditions at night. Great for preventing falls within bedrooms, hallways, bathrooms and other rooms that are commonly frequented at night.


Floor to Ceiling Transfer Pole

A pole that is held by tension from the floor to the ceiling that the user can pull to help get into standing from a sitting position. Commonly found in bedrooms, living rooms and bathrooms.


Long Handled Bathing Sponge

A long piece of plastic with a sponge on the end that can be used in the shower to wash one’s back or lower extremities. Great for people with arthritis or difficulty reaching behind their back.


Suction Grab Bars

A piece of plastic suctioned onto a smooth flat surface to help support users with transfers. Commonly used in showers, near bathtubs or toilets. Grab bar can be relocated as needed, but require regular checking to ensure suction.


Drilled Grab Bars

A piece of metal that is drilled into studs to help support users with transfers and sometimes with mobility. Commonly used to help people get in and out of the bathtub, on and off the toilet, etc.


Shower Transport Chair

A raised seat with wheels that can be pushed by a caregiver over a low toilet or rolled into a shower with the user sitting on it. Great for people with difficulty with mobility or endurance.


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