Five Pound Ankle Weights

Weights that can be strapped onto one’s ankle. This is commonly used by people who have been prescribed specific exercise regimes to re-build their lower body strength and endurance.


Car Headrest Grab Handle

An assistive aid that is commonly used to help with repositioning and weight shifting for a passenger sitting in the rear of a car. Great for people with decreased endurance and for low car seats.


Car Caddie Transfer Aid

A hand strap that is tied to your car door that someone can use to pull themselves into standing from a car seat. You will need someone to help brace the car door as it will move when you try to pull yourself up. Great for low cars.


Lightweight Folding Quad Cane

A cane with four points instead of the normal one. This gives the cane and the user greater stability and can help with walking longer distances safely. Great for those that have mild difficulty with their walking.


Knee Walker

A four wheeled walker that is commonly used by people that are on non-weight bearing restrictions related to an ankle or foot surgery. This allows people to move from room to room safely with greater independence.


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